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Slalom Women connects, elevates, and celebrates women and allies to enable an equitable voice throughout Slalom—creating an exceptional place to work. 


To help women to pursue their passions, reach their full potential, and shape the future. The ERG maintains executive leadership representation from the following communities: Women in Technology, Women’s Leadership Network, Women in Data, and Women Who Build.


  • Inspire, nurture, and champion women’s careers in technology
  • Develop Slalom women’s technical and business skills 
  • Create an inclusive and thriving community of technical thought leaders
  • Improve promotion, connection, retention, and access to thought leadership for Slalom women 
  • Foster external partnerships and much more

I feel empowered by other women when I see folks standing up for what they believe in and being able to share their thoughts. We help lift each other up.

Maiko Aratake
Director, Tokyo

Slalom employee Jenae looks at the camera while in the office.

I have a son and a daughter, and it's important for me to create a world where they don't face the challenges that others before them have.

Catherine Wilks
Senior Director, Manchester

Slalom employee Angela stands with a group of employees.

There are many layers and lenses to being a woman. These allow me to see life in different ways, and all of these experiences are special to me.

Mazvita Chikava
Analyst, Seattle

Slalom employee Philip works in the Slalom office.

Let’s solve together.

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