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Life-changing support through technology

students doing work on table

At a glance

OnSide’s team was looking to evolve their existing Salesforce solution in ways that would help them better support young people and demonstrate the impact of their work.


We helped OnSide maximise an existing Salesforce solution so that its teams could build a new foundation for the future while continuing to support members across England.

Key Services

Data icon
System implementation icon
System implementation


Nonprofit and philanthropy

Key Technologies / Platforms

  • Salesforce

Maximizing tech for good with Salesforce

Safe spaces, bright futures

OnSide is a charity that provides young people in economically disadvantaged areas across England with positive adult role models and safe spaces. It gives young people somewhere to go, something to do, and someone to talk to. Youth workers partner with Youth Zone members to help them see what they could achieve and to build the skills and confidence that allow them to pursue their dreams.

OnSide’s team was looking to evolve their existing Salesforce solution in ways that would help them better support young people and demonstrate the impact of their work.

A global team of Slalom consultants from Manchester, London, Boston, Atlanta, and Seattle partnered with OnSide to develop and deliver the following features:

  • Safeguarding has been incorporated into the solution, eliminating offline paper forms. 
  • Online evaluations enable workers to track young people’s journeys and measure their progress.
  • New dashboards and reports provide valuable insights on deprivation and help teams identify where to reach out.
  • Donations across OnSide and the Youth Zone network can now be managed via a standard online process.

Now, OnSide has access to tools that help them tailor their offerings and tell compelling stories about the value and impact of their work. And young people who rely on the Youth Zones remain on the path to loving their futures.

For the first time we are really going to be able to start understand the impact that universal youth work has on young people.

Jamie Masraff

Director of Operations, OnSide

Let’s solve together.