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Slalom Foundation Announces 2024 Grants Awarded to Support Equity and Racial Justice

The Slalom Foundation, established in 2019 with a founding focus on racial justice and equity, completed its grant-making for 2024 by awarding $420,000 to organizations who are improving access to education and creating economic opportunity for underrepresented communities. 

The organizations that received funds from the foundation have diverse goals, including some who are bridging key gaps in educational advancement for indigenous and aboriginal students; supporting justice-system affected youth and people at-risk for job loss and homelessness due to interaction with the criminal justice system; and building pathways for career advancement and education for youth of color.

“Empowering these community organizations reflects the Slalom Foundation’s continued commitment to racial justice and equity and aligns to our company’s business and values,” said Rob Potter, chief accounting officer at Slalom. “These grant recipients have a culturally informed approach to justice, workforce development, and education, and are providing access and vision for more to leverage modern technology like AI to support our society.”

Some organizations have been extended additional grant funding from past year awards due to their consistent and sustained community impact. For example, Youth Represent, received their second Slalom Foundation grant and are using the funds to support legal services and policy advocacy for youth of color in New York. “This funding will significantly enhance our ability to serve young people impacted by the criminal legal system and invest in innovative approaches to achieve justice and equity,” said Michael Pope Esq., executive director of Youth Represent. 

Micky Wolf, the CEO of Dent Education, an organization that supports students in Baltimore, said, “Slalom's unrestricted grants are extremely generous - honestly, substantially more than larger corporate donors. While many corporations are disappointingly choosing to cut back or shut down racial equity initiatives, we have been so grateful that Slalom's commitment has not only continued but has grown.”

2024 Grant Recipients

These organizations were provided grants by the Slalom Foundation to drive impact across education, technology, and justice:

  • Dent Education: Promotes equity and upward mobility by empowering students to be empathetic, creative, and proactive leaders equipped with the skills, mindsets, and support to succeed in the 21st century.

  • Detroit Justice Center: Works alongside communities to create economic opportunities, transform the justice system, and promote equitable and just cities and taking a defense, offense, and dreaming approach to racial and economic justice.  

  • IndigiGenius: Runs the Lakota AI Code Camp (LAICC), a three-week code camp for Lakota high school students. The LAICC aims to inspire Lakota students to pursue pathways into higher education and careers in advanced technological fields and preserve their Lakota language.

  • Living with Conviction: Secures economic and racial justice with and for marginalized communities, especially formerly incarcerated individuals, through community-driven research, storytelling, and legal empowerment strategies.

  • Melbourne Indigenous Transition School: Creates pathways to greater opportunity for Indigenous students from remote and regional communities, so that they may lead lives full of choice and opportunity. 

  • Michigan Hispanic Collaborative: Works to break the cycle of Hispanic poverty through education and early career program support by helping to navigate the complexity of college access through early career by providing support, resources, and opportunities to students and their families.  

  • Youth Represent: Uses legal services, policy advocacy, peer education, and other tools to build power and opportunity for Black, Latiné, and other youth of color with experience in the criminal justice system.

The Slalom Foundation will continue efforts to support local communities with future campaigns to support and build better tomorrows for all. To learn more about Slalom’s impact on people, the planet, and communities, please visit our website and review our annual Impact Report. 

For more information contact: Foundation@slalom.com

About Slalom

Slalom is a fiercely human business and technology consulting company that leads with outcomes to bring more value, in all ways, always. From strategy through delivery, our agile teams across 52 offices in 12 countries collaborate with clients to bring powerful customer experiences, innovative ways of working, and new products and services to life. We are trusted by leaders across the Global 1000, many successful enterprise and mid-market companies, and 500+ public sector organizations to improve operations, drive growth, and create value. At Slalom, we believe that together, we can move faster, dream bigger, and build better tomorrows for all.

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