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Slalom Military creates space for military veterans, reservists, team members with military family, or anyone passionate about engaging with this community or supporting veterans’ initiatives.


To be a catalyst for the global military community to build meaningful connections, accelerate individual growth, demonstrate leadership, serve our local communities, and inspire our clients.


  • Connect the military community by being a pivotal bridge for service members and their supporters.
  • Strengthen community ties through dedicated service that fosters meaningful local change.
  • Empower growth by harnessing and expanding resources for career progression, well-being, and overcoming obstacles to success.
  • Lead by example, motivating others through our resilience, unique value, and exemplary leadership skills.

Being a veteran affects our daily life. Slalom is really good about this, understanding what people have been through.

Michelle Labritz
Principal Consultant, Boston

Slalom employee Jenae looks at the camera while in the office.

My experiences in the Army, serving alongside people from wildly different backgrounds to myself, has stood me in good stead to be able to meet clients where they are at and talk to them at a human level.

Iain Tourney 
Senior Consultant, Toronto

Slalom employee Angela stands with a group of employees.

I learned patience in the military. People ask how I’m not frustrated by certain things. Patience allows me to see the bigger picture and realize that it’s just the moment that we’re in.

Christina Santos
Consultant, San Diego

Slalom employee Philip works in the Slalom office.

Solucionemos juntos.

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