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UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2022


At Slalom, we strive to be the kind of company that creates a thriving culture of inclusion, diversity and equity that is reflected and experienced across our local and global teams. We believe that our diversity allows us to better serve our clients and communities and to help people and organisations dream bigger, move faster and build better tomorrows for all.

We are  pay equal at Slalom, however whilst our gender pay data is similar to other businesses, you will see in this report that the primary areas for our pay gap are largely driven by a smaller representation of women in senior positions and our overall female representation.

We are not unique in facing this challenge; however, we believe our reputation for innovation means we should play a role in leading the way for our industry to improve our figures in a long term, sustainable manner. We’ve worked hard and are proud of our progress but we are not there yet.  We continue to grow - and as we grow – we are committed to driving change and working harder to achieve our inclusivity and diversity goals.

Gender Pay Gap Explained

The UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting measures the difference in pay between all working men and all working women within an organization, irrespective of the type of work they do, their seniority or their location.  Organisations follow a calculation methodology set out by the Government Equalities Office to report their mean and median pay gap, bonus gap and distribution of team members across pay quartiles.

Gender Pay is different to Equal Pay.  Equal pay ensures that all individuals performing equal work of equal value are compensated equally and would account for factors such as role, experience, performance and location as legitimate differentiators for pay gaps.  Equal Pay is governed by the Equality Act.

Slalom UK Gender Pay Gap Data

Gender Pay Gap19.9%19.0%
Gender Bonus Pay Gap49.6%35.9%
Proportion of men and women receiving a bonus payment*MenWomen
Proportion of men and women in each quartile bandMenWomen
Upper Middle67%33%
Lower Middle53%47%

*100% of eligible team members received a bonus in the reporting period. Those who did not, joined Slalom after our eligibility cutoff but were employed on the snapshot date for this report.


At Slalom, we put our people first, and we are committed to providing equal opportunity for all our team members.  This analysis focuses on gender, as per the UK Legislation, but gender parity is just one demographic data point.  We regularly review our processes and practices to ensure that we are doing our part to prevent bias that could unintentionally cause pay inequity.

Although we have reported a gender pay gap, we are pay equal at Slalom. We continue in our commitment to ensure that team members who are performing similar roles, in the same location with similar experience and impact, are compensated equally. We run a thorough pay equity exercise twice annually to ensure this is at the forefront of our compensation philosophy.

Sustained change takes time and while our current gender pay gap is largely driven by smaller representation of women in senior positions and our overall female representation, we are moving in the right direction:

  • Our overall female population has grown from 33% in January 2021 to 41% in January 2023.
  • Our % of director roles held by women has grown from 19% in January 2021 to 31% in January 2023.
  • 45% of our new hires in 2022 were women including 8 new Director or above positions
  • 75% of those promoted to Director level roles at the end of 2022 were women

Gender pay is an ongoing process, and we are working to improve these figures and continue the steady progress we have made.  Slalom is committed to long term meaningful and sustainable change for our industry, and we are looking at various mechanisms to play a leading role in driving this change.

To learn more about Slalom’s commitment to Inclusion, Diversity & Equity, visit  

I confirm that the data reported here is accurate.

Slalom Employee Quote Profile Image Dave Williams

Dave Williams
President & Country Leader, UK&I