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This section describes how the directors have had regard to the matters set out in the Companies Act Sl72(1) (a) to (f) in exercising their duty to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole.

Having regard to the likely consequences of any decision in the long term

The Company has always sought to make a meaningful impact on the planet, its communities, and its people. The approach to achieve this continues to evolve as the Company grows and deepens its expertise in the areas of sustainability and impact. Management and Directors remain mindful that their decisions have long term implications for the planet, its communities, and its people, and these implications are carefully assessed.

Having regard to the interests of the company's employees

Management and Directors recognize its people are the heart of the Company's operations, so it only makes sense for their people to be the center-the connection-that everything else flows through. It's the reason the Company leads with transparency and accessibility in its business updates to team members via Slalom Town Halls. It's the reason holistic health within the Company is defined by four interconnected pillars mental health, social wellbeing, physical, and financial health. This approach led to the creation of the THRIVE program, which allows greater flexibility for employees needing to access physical and mental health resources. It's the reason a career framework, Me@Slalom, was built that rewards the journey rather than the destination. In addition to, a robust flexible paid-time-off program allowing team members to take time away from work. It's why improvements were made to the recruitment and hiring practices to make them more inclusive and equitable to all individuals. Furthermore, several global employee resource groups such as Aspire, Code, Horizons, Prism, Reach, Unidos, Veterans and Women were developed to improve employee experiences and ensure the diversity of the Company's workforce enables its people to love their lives and work. A company-wide goal was set of achieving gender parity before the end of 2025. Management and Directors know the decisions they make today will shape the lives of its people for generations to come, so they set a goal to maintain an employee engagement score of above 90% and reach and maintain an average Love of Work score of above 9 out of 10.

Having regard to the need to foster the company's business relationships with suppliers, customers and others

As a company working toward better tomorrows for all, Management and Directors fully support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which were presented in 2015 as a shared global blueprint for prosperity. The Company's sustainability and impact goals in the areas of planet, communities, and people align to the UN SDGs. The Company rigorously measures its progress and is transparent with its stakeholders, sharing both successes and challenges. The Company is committed to shifting to 100% renewable energy by 2030 and implementing waste reduction programs across all Slalom offices. Through Slalom's Supplier Diversity Program, relationships with and the development of diverse suppliers is encouraged to ensure the support of equal business opportunity. Through its community volunteer efforts, pro bono client engagements, and local global donations, the Company supports organizations around the world. Management and Directors believe in collaborating with its suppliers, customers and partners to create a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world.

Having regard to the impact of the company's operations on the community and the environment

Across the globe and in each of the Company's individual markets, the purpose is to dream bigger, move faster, and build better tomorrows for all. This purpose is woven into the fabric of the Company creating a wholehearted desire to invest in the idea of effecting positive change and making an impact on lives near and far. In 2022, the Company continued to transform internally to improve the world around it. This included nnihering its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy within its operations and the services the Company provides. Resulting in ramping up effo1is to measure the Company's environmental impact to transparently show its progress. The Company joined The Climate Pledge and worked to build a unified strategy across all markets to achieve its goal ofnet-zero carbon emissions by 2040.

In addition to these climate actions, the Company continued to make a tangible impact on people's lives and in the greater community through valued customer relationships. In both a paid and pro bono capacity, the Company helped organizations address racial injustice, more efficiently administer COVID-19 vaccines, and build sustainable supply chain processes to reduce environmental impact. Management and Directors acknowledge this is only the beginning and are committed to making the continued investments needed to suppmi these initiatives.

Having regard to the desirability of the company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business contact

The Directors and Management of the Company are driven by one of Slalom's core values: Do what is right always. This value is taken seriously and incorporated into every aspect of the business to ensure responsible and secure operations. Directors continue to work diligently to prepare for the future by investing in needed expertise, developing strategic frameworks and enabling proper oversight. This was accomplished through the company's redesigned and enhanced anti-bribery and con-uption training, anti-harassment and discrimination training, and achievement of the ISO 27001 certificate award. This award provides assurance to our customers, partners, and potential clients that the company can be trusted with highly sensitive data, intellectual property, and other information assets. In 2022, the Company had no substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy or losses of customer data. These are a few of the examples the Company as part of the wider Slalom, LLC group has put into place to ensure that all employees and directors adhere to high standards of ethics in the business conduct.